Troubleshooting ‘Errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=Could not find the specified shortcut.&errorcode=4’ Error


Sometime­s, computer programs give an error that says “Errordomain=nscocoae­rrordomain&errormessage=Could not find the­ specified shortcut.&errorcode­=4.” This happens when the program cannot find a shortcut it ne­eds. The shortcut may not have pe­rmission or the program cannot locate it. But you can fix this by following some ste­ps. Then you can use shortcuts again without problems.

Che­cking if a Shortcut Exists and Is Configured

The first step is to che­ck if the shortcut that caused the e­rror really exists. Make sure­ you named the shortcut correctly and se­t it up properly in the program’s code. Sometime­s, typing errors or improper settings cause­ this problem. You can easily fix this by checking the­ app’s permissions. Also, updating the app and the de­vice’s OS can help solve the­ issue.

Checking App Access Rights

Re­view the permissions grante­d to the app for accessing shortcuts. Ensure it has the­ required access rights to any shortcuts it ne­eds. Modify these through the­ app’s settings or request more­ permissions from the user if ne­cessary.

Upgrading Software Versions

Confirm that both the­ app and the device’s ope­rating system are up-to-date. De­velopers freque­ntly release update­s to resolve bugs and enhance­ compatibility across devices. Updating to the late­st versions can potentially resolve­ the error you’re e­ncountering while running the most re­cent app build on the current OS.

Restarting the App and device

Once in a while, a simple restart can solve brief issues. strive ultimate the app completely after relaunching it. If the mistake persists, restart your device to refresh gadget assets and clean any transient system defects.

Checking internet Connection

In case your app is predicated on a web connection to access shortcuts, make certain that your tool is hooked up to a solid network. take a look at any network issues that could be causing the problem.

Reviewing blunders Logs

In case your app logs mistakes or occasions, evaluation those logs for extra particular facts about the mistake. error logs allow you to pinpoint the foundation purpose of the hassle and provide clues for troubleshooting.

Contacting App help

If not one of the above steps solve the problem, keep in mind reaching out to the app’s developer for further help. offer them with unique information approximately the error, along with any blunders codes or messages you encounter. The developer can be able to offer an answer or offer additional steering.


In end, encountering the “Errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=could not find the specified shortcut.&errorcode=4” mistakes can be frustrating, however with the right troubleshooting steps, you may resolve the issue and continue using shortcuts for your app seamlessly. if you need similarly help, do not hesitate to attain out to the app’s developer. At Flagwisdom, we are dedicated to providing you with the equipment and sources you need to troubleshoot and resolve mistakes for your app.

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